Guardian Bears: Marcus Page 6
“Good. Because we are going to enjoy this,” he told her. “Stay still for me.”
He let go of her hands, sliding his fingers around her waist and undid the button of her jeans. She whimpered something, she wasn’t sure what, and looked away as the zipper came down. Marcus slid the jeans down and off in a smooth, powerful motion, and she lay back on the couch, acutely aware of his eyes on her.
Marcus stood over her, looking down at her body, and she wanted so much to cover up. Lisa knew she could never be a model, she wasn’t skinny and pretty like men wanted. But looking up at Marcus, he didn’t seem to care. His eyes roamed over her, slowly and with a laser-like focus, as though he were committing every inch of her to memory.
And she could see by the bulge in his pants that she was having an effect on him.
Her eyes flicked back to his face, and she caught his grin. He’d seen where she was looking, but despite his obvious amusement, he wasn’t mocking her. His eyes were alight with desire and joy, and his handsome, rugged face was filled with curiosity. And need.
Need for her.
But she could see a question there, too, and knew that he would stop in an instant if she asked him to.
Instead, she nodded slightly, and he reached down to slip the blouse off her. His fingers traced gently along the straps of her bra, fumbling with the clasp for a moment as he unhooked it before lifting it from her.
It was endearing in a way, the fact that he wasn’t an expert reassured her. But more than anything, she wanted his touch. Reaching up, she took his hands and, feeling bold, pulled them to her breasts.
Marcus rumbled a happy groan as his hands explored her, caressing gently, his touch making her throw back her head and gasp. Her nipples hardened under his palms, and fire shot through her.
Lowering himself over her again, Marcus kissed her breasts, moving from one to the other, his tongue darting out to flick at her nipples, fanning the flames within her. She reached up to stroke her hands through his hair, and he chuckled, kissing his way across her body as his hands roamed lower again.
Lisa felt the heat build between her legs as his fingers brushed over her panties, stroking between her thighs, parting her legs. She couldn’t hold in a moan of desire as he slid his fingers under the waistband, teasingly close to her pussy.
With one swift, strong pull, he yanked them down and off, leaving her naked on her couch. Bare before him.
Lisa moaned, trying to close her legs and hide herself from him, but he gently, irresistibly, pressed her knees open again. Looking up at her with a wicked grin, he shook his head.
“Don’t hide from me,” he told her, voice rough, low, eager. “I want to see all of you. Touch all of you. Taste all of you.”
Sinking back, he kissed his way down her body again, keeping his eyes on her face as she watched him. She couldn’t find words to answer him, but they weren’t needed. She knew he could see her agreement on her face as he slid down from the couch, his kisses alternating between her thighs as he drew back, and then rose up again. Slowly, his lips approached her sex.
Part of her wanted to look away, to be ashamed, but his earnest eager desire for her washed away any shame she felt. She met his eyes, their gazes locking, his breath hot on her body. She ached for him in a way she hadn’t realized possible, her body felt empty without his touch. But still he held back, waiting between her legs.
She swallowed, nodded, and his grin widened. Leaning in he kissed her, his lips tender but powerful, their touch making her arch and cry out. It was so much more powerful than she’d ever felt when she touched herself.
And that was nothing compared to the sensation of his tongue, as he swiped it over her. She thrashed under him, would have fallen from the couch if he hadn’t held her, his hands strong and unyielding as she moved against him.
His tongue was rough, wet, hot against her. Each touch was like lightning, thundering through her, leaving her aching for more. The sensation was unbearable and something she needed, at the same time. She couldn’t keep still, but his strength was easily enough to hold her in place, his tongue flicking across her again and again.
She managed to look down at him, seeing his dark eyes staring up at her, full of hungry appreciation.
“Oh, Marcus!” She reached down with trembling hands as she cried out his name. Sliding her fingers into his hair, she pulled him to her, or tried. He chuckled, sending a wave of sensation flashing through her, his slightest motion made her shudder with delight.
Lisa never realized how badly she wanted, no, needed his touch. It was something else, so different from anything she’d experienced before, and so much better. Her body trembled as he urged her onward with his tongue, skillfully pushing her towards her climax, not too fast, not too slow. Lisa’s breath turned into hurried, delighted panting and she found herself howling his name at the ceiling as she thrashed in his arms, pleasure overtaking her in an explosion of joy.
It was as though he’d known exactly what she needed, exactly how to please her. As though he knew her body better than she knew herself.
The orgasm exploded through her like chain lightning, flashing through her body and making her writhe and cry out over and over until she could take no more. Only then did he stop, carefully pulling back and planting one last passionate but delicate kiss on her pussy before folding her in his arms.
Marcus held her tight, feeling her naked body tremble against him as she recovered, and marveled at her beauty. Her arms slowly folded around him as she came back to the world, and he smiled down at her, his heart pounding with joy.
I’ve never felt anything like that, he thought, watching her eyes flutter open. It had been magical and unexpected even for him. It’s like I could feel her, feel everything about her.
Maybe it was because she was his fated mate, but whatever caused it, he knew he wanted more. Nothing would stop him having that feeling again, no matter what happened.
“Oh my God,” Lisa said in a shaky voice, holding him tighter. “That was… amazing. I didn’t know how good it could feel!”
“It wouldn’t be like that with anyone else,” Marcus told her, grinning back, stroking her bare skin. “You and me, we belong together, and that’s just your body’s way of letting you know.”
“Not just mine, I think.” She stroked between his legs, blushing prettily as her fingers brushed over his erection through his jeans. Marcus laughed happily, leaning in to kiss her. Her lips trembled against his, and her breath caught again.
“Of course not. I feel it too,” he said as he sat back again. “But you’re tired and it’s been a long day. I can wait.”
That was just barely true. His body ached for her, wanted her, and it was an effort to restrain himself when he felt her fingers touching him. But he wasn’t going to rush anything, not with her. Even though the animal inside him wanted to claim her right then and there, the man knew that they had the time to take things slowly.
“Now you stop there, mister,” she said, and he saw a fierceness in her eyes. A determination. “I’m not going to let you get away with that!”
“Get away with what?”
“You don’t get to put me in your debt,” she told him. He felt her fingers on his belt, fumbling nervously at it. “You deserve something too.”
He started to laugh, but the look of determination on her face stopped him. It wasn’t just the look of someone who didn’t want to be indebted, he realized. There was a shyness there too, an embarrassment hidden behind the look she shot him. The laugh caught in his throat and he looked past the timid uncertainty sparkling in her eyes. Beyond that, was a joyful lust, twin to his own.
It looked as though she needed him as much as he’d needed her. And he wasn’t going to deny her that. He wasn’t sure he could.
Slowly, carefully, not moving fast enough to pull away from her hands, he stood up. Letting her watch, he unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. Her gaze devoured his body as he bared it. Lisa gave a little moan as his
muscles flexed, and she raised one hand to stroke over his abs.
The look of desire in her eyes was like fire, and he found himself growling a low, hungry sound. His bear was awake and needed her touch.
She freed his cock from his jeans, gasping at the sight of it. Sitting up on the couch, she stroked it gently, wonderingly, and Marcus felt his heart pound at her caress. Her eyes were wide, and a flush spread from her cheeks, down and across her breasts.
“You don’t have to do this,” he ground out. It took an effort of will, but he wasn’t going to do anything she didn’t want to. “We can wait.”
“I know,” she said, voice husky, slightly shaky, but determined. “I’m not doing this because I think I have to. I’m doing it because I want to. I don’t think I can wait.”
She leaned in to kiss his hard shaft, and he felt himself stiffen further. She moaned against him, looking up, eyes bright and eager, and his resolve melted. They were meant for each other, he knew that, and she was drawn to him as much as he was to her.
Pulling down on his hips, she guided him back to the sofa beside her and curled up against him. Her hands guided his cock to her mouth, and she licked the length it, first exploring shyly, then with more confidence. He groaned and swallowed, and her blush brightened as his fingers slipped into her hair.
“Is this okay?” she asked, her voice full of an odd mix of desire and embarrassment. “I’ve dreamed of it… of you…”
He tried to speak, but words wouldn’t come. Nodding, he stroked her cheek, feeling the heat of her blush.
“Of course it is,” he managed at last. “As long as it’s what you want.”
“Turnabout is fair play,” she said with a smile. “And… this feels right.”
She slipped her mouth over the head of his cock before he could reply, and he moaned with happiness. She felt better than he’d imagined possible, and looked so perfect. It was hard to restrain himself, and he felt his muscles tighten as she sank her mouth down, then pulled up to kiss the tip again. Her breath was hot on him, fast as his own, and her voice was low and husky.
“I’ve wanted you for so long, Marcus.”
He found he couldn’t answer. This was too much, almost overwhelming his self-control as her small hands caressed him. Words couldn’t express his feelings for Lisa, he’d never had the talent for them.
Instead, he lifted her face to his, kissing her passionately, trying to show her how much he’d missed her too. All those long years apart, he’d been dreaming of this moment, and now it was here. Lisa’s mouth was hungry on his, her soft lips trembling as he bit them gently, making her shiver with delight. The feeling of her breasts against his bare chest made him shudder too, pulling her closer.
She stroked her fingers across him, and he could feel her uncertainty as they caressed his hard abs. It was delightful, and all the more so when she gently encircled his erection with her fingers, kissing him again passionately as she stroked him.
“I won’t be able to control myself if you keep that up,” he growled at her, unsure if that was a threat or a promise. She giggled, shy but determined.
“Good,” she whispered. “We’ve both had enough self-control. Just once I want to give in. And you made me feel so good, Marcus. Let me do the same for you.”
His answering growl was wordless, but that was answer enough for her it seemed. She kissed her way down his chest, lips, tongue, and teeth playing with him until she found her way back to his cock. Marcus grabbed hold of the sofa, fingers tensing as she slipped her mouth over him again. Her tongue dance around him and his breath quickened. It felt unbearably wonderful.
It took all the self-control he had left to keep himself in check. The frame of the couch creaked under his inhumanly strong grip and with a conscious effort, he relaxed and let her have control. Lisa might not know what she was doing, but she was driving him wild. Every move she made was perfect for him, and he felt his cock swell at her urging, his breath shallow, his muscles tense.
Lisa moaned around him, and he threw back his head, roaring her name as he came. He heard a splintering crack as his fingers tore into the wooden frame of the couch, his body arching as his senses exploded in delight, and for a moment, all thought was gone, washed away by the intensity of the joy exploding through him.
He didn’t know how long that moment lasted, but when he opened his eyes again, Lisa’s face was close to his, flushed and happy and concerned all at once.
“Are you alright?”
“Oh hell yes,” he said, his voice rough. He grinned at her, panting for breath. “Better than alright. Lisa, that was wonderful.”
A proud flush brightened her face and she hugged him. Marcus carefully folded an arm around her.
“I was worried I’d done something wrong,” she told him, pressing her face into his shoulder and kissing him. “You were… pretty intense.”
“Yeah,” he admitted, glancing at the splintered and broken arm of the couch with a touch of embarrassment himself. “That was a lot more powerful than I’d expected.”
Lisa snuggled into him, and he smiled. The problems were still there, the dangers and difficulties he faced were no less daunting than they had been an hour ago, but for now, everything was right with the world.
“Come on,” he said, standing and lifting Lisa in a single easy motion. She clung to him, and he carried her through to her bedroom carefully. “Let’s get you to bed.”
The woods were dark around her, shadows deep and threatening. I’m dreaming again, aren’t I? Lisa shivered, walking forwards and feeling the cold dirt under her feet. Something was wrong here, she could feel it with the certainty that comes in dreams. There was a light ahead, a cabin in the woods, but the lit windows weren’t welcoming. Whatever was wrong, she could feel it there. A menacing hissing sound warned her not to come any closer, but Lisa couldn’t stop walking.
She stepped out into the light of the cabin’s windows, and through them she could see something moving. Something big and sinuous and scaly.
There was something else outside with her, though. Something big and strong moving out of the woods beside her, a huge looming dark shape. It should have been frightening, but instead, it made her feel safe, protected.
She reached out for the shape, and found her fingers running through fur. The shape moved closer, and she could see it clearly. A huge bear, a grizzly, looking her right in the eyes.
The menace of the cabin was forgotten as she threw her arms around the bear’s neck. Even in the dream she knew that was a crazy thing to do, but it didn’t matter. She felt safe, even as the bear pulled her close. He would protect her from whatever menaces were threatening her, she could feel it.
Lisa blinked awake from the dream, frowning as she looked at the clock. It was just past 3am, no time to be awake. Part of her wanted to blame Marcus - he was the first man she’d shared a bed with, after all, and her bed wasn’t really big enough for the two of them. But that wasn’t fair to him. He felt so right against her, his body a solid warm reminder of how she felt for him, of the fact that he was real and here. He felt perfect.
And she had a nightmare the night before, without him being there. Maybe it was his presence in town that was stopping her sleeping, but not his being in her bed.
He, of course, was sleeping without trouble, and they’d both been worn out enough that she should be too. But no. He’d managed to quiet her doubts long enough for her to get to sleep, but now she felt them swirling around her again, moths drawn to the flame of her anxiety.
What am I going to do tomorrow? He’s still going to be with the Serpents, and I’m going to want to do that again. Am I going to be some gangster’s girlfriend?
Even without that, the thought of what she’d done made her blush. She’d been so wanton, so drawn along by the feeling of his body against hers. It was easy to say that she would be stronger next time, but the truth was, she didn’t want to be. She’d dreamed of being with Marcus so often since he�
�d left, and the reality of it was even better than her fantasies had been.
Snuggling against his solid, muscular body, she couldn’t help wondering what he’d feel like inside her. The idea scared her, but not nearly as much as it excited her, and she knew that if he’d pushed her, she’d have let him take her already. And then she’d be even more tangled up than she felt now. If that were possible.
His chest rose and fell in a slow, calming rhythm and she could feel his heart beating a steady pulse as she rested her head on him, smiling a little.
“I’m glad you’re not pushy,” she whispered, letting her fingers trail across his chest, playing gently with his chest hair. “I don’t think I could deal with being any more confused than I already am.”
He didn’t respond, deep in his sleep. Lisa kissed him softly on the lips and sank back down, letting her head rest on his chest.
But I kind of wish you had gone further, too, she admitted in the quiet of her mind, not willing to speak that thought out loud. Thinking about what that might have been like, she smiled and drifted back off to sleep.
Marcus snapped awake as the first dawn light leaked in through the windows. Long practice kept his eyes shut and his breathing easy while he oriented himself - this wasn’t his room, and there was someone sleeping next to him, a body pressed against his.
Oh yeah, he thought, memory coming back to him, and with it an expansive wave of happiness. I’m in Lisa’s bed. She was curled up against him, warm and asleep, and he couldn’t have felt happier than he did in that moment.
Letting his eyes open, he looked around. The bedroom was small, tidy, and comfortable for one, though the bed would have been a little on the small side for him sleeping alone. Oddly, having her next to him made it feel more comfortable rather than crowded. He couldn’t move, and was on the edge of the bed, and the covers were pulled up around her leaving his leg in the cold, but he wouldn’t have traded it for any other bed.