Guardian Bears: Lucas Read online

Page 5

  "He's not worth it," she said quickly, looking up into his eyes and trying to project calm. For a wonder, it seemed to work. His fist unclenched and he took a deep breath before nodding and stepping away from the dazed man on the floor.

  "You stay away from her," he growled down at Harry before stalking off with Emily trailing behind him. His long stride carried him quickly through the kitchens and out of the diner, Emily hurrying after.

  "Lucas, wait!" She called after him, but he wasn't listening. He strode across the parking lot to his van, and only once he was there did he stop and take a deep breath. Emily stopped a little out of arms reach, not sure what to say. Lucas looked so angry.

  She glanced back and was glad to see no one had followed them out. This wasn't the spectacle it might have been.

  "I'm sorry," Lucas ground out. It wasn't what she'd expected him to lead with, though she wasn't sure what she had expected.

  He drew a deep breath and turned to face her, shaking his head. His expression was odd, hard to read – a mix of anger and something else. "I should have told you I'd be listening in. The alarm I gave you – it has a microphone. I can activate it from my phone."

  That explains the recording, she realized. She'd forgotten all about the alarm in her pocket, it hadn't occurred to her to press it, but it had saved her anyway. Only, she wasn't sure she liked the implications.

  "Are you planning on listening in on everything I do?"

  "No! No, of course I'm not." Lucas looked like he wanted to hit something, or someone. If Harry had been in the parking lot, she wouldn't have bet on him walking away. But none of that rage was directed at her – somehow, she knew she was safe. "I had a bad feeling about that meeting, so I turned on the mic to make sure you were okay."

  Emily's feelings were in a whirl. Between Harry attacking her, Lucas saving her, and now knowing he'd been spying on her, she didn't know what to think, what to feel. But he did it to protect me – like I hired him to. That counts for a lot.

  She stepped forwards, closer to him, and looked up into his eyes. "I needed the help," she admitted. "I should have asked you to come in with me."

  "Yeah. You should have," Lucas growled, but his anger seemed to be fading. "We're going to need to have a serious talk about your security tonight. This was bad enough – I need to know what other trouble's waiting for you before I have to drag you out of it."

  There was a satisfied undercurrent to his words, as though getting to punch someone had made his day. As though he was looking forward to hurting someone else. Is that because he wants to be violent? Or because he wants to protect me? The roiling mess of emotions inside Emily rose up as she tried to work that out, and she shivered.

  There was too much to think about. Too many questions without answers and it was shutting her brain down.

  "You could have cost me my job," she said, and stopped. She hadn't meant to say that; it had popped out while she was trying to work out how to respond. Lucas' eyes narrowed as he focused on her.

  "I don't think losing this job would be that bad a thing," he told her. Emily surprised herself by sobbing.

  "You don't understand, do you? You can keep me safe while you're around, but without a job I can't afford to pay you!" Her voice was rising, but she couldn't control it. She felt hot tears running down her cheeks, from anger and fear, frustration and helplessness. "I need to work, and this was the only place I could find in a hurry that would pay under the table!"

  Lucas growled again, eyes flicking up over her shoulder to the diner and back again. She couldn't read the emotions that played across his face, but he was plainly uncomfortable discussing this in public.

  "We need to talk about that, but not here. I'm taking you home," he told her firmly.


  Lucas' knuckles were white on the steering wheel as he pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards Emily's home. It wasn't easy for him to go, leaving Emily's asshole manager still intact behind them.

  I can't believe she's going to go back there, he thought, glancing aside at the woman beside him. She was staring angrily out of the window, and he saw the determination on her face. The fact that she'd put herself in that position was enough to convince him that her need for protection was real. Obviously, there was something worse than an abusive boss behind her going into hiding.

  Whatever was threatening her must be dangerous, he decided. Lucas found that he didn't much care if it was the kind of problem he and the rest of the Guardian Bears were there to face. She needed his help, and that was enough.

  "You don't need to worry," he ground out eventually. His anger was still raw and obvious in his words, and he felt Emily flinch beside him. Inwardly, he snarled at himself, trying to get the anger under control. It wasn't easy. His temper was always hot, and now his inner bear was angry too. He took a deep breath and tried to regain his calm.

  "You're going to have to be more specific," she said, angry as well. Good. Better angry than afraid, he thought. It might have been a motto for his life. "I'm worried about so many things."

  That was a fair point, he had to admit. Focusing, loosening his grip on the wheel, he tried again.

  "I mean, if you lose that job, it doesn't matter. I'm here to protect you now, and I'm not going to stop just for that." He glanced sideways at her, saw her looking back at him. She was squeezed in as far as she could get from him in the van, her arms crossed defensively. But the anger in her eyes wasn't for him, he could see that. And he could see, underneath it, the fear she was trying to hide.

  Seeing her afraid but determined to deal with whatever frightened her just made him want to protect her more. To keep her safe from whatever was after her, and all the Harrys of the world, from anything and anyone that wanted to do her harm.

  "How can it not matter," she said, voice tight and controlled, "if I can't pay your company?"

  He shrugged. "We'll bill you later, when you're safe. When you can get back to whatever your proper job is, because it's pretty clear you haven't been a waitress long."

  She laughed at that. It wasn't a happy laugh, but it was a start. "Am I that bad at it?"

  "I didn't mean it like that. You just don't seem comfortable in the job, that's all."

  "Maybe that's because I had a giant staring at me all day, did you think of that?" The words were angry, but he could hear the hint of a smile in them. Glancing over again, he saw her unfold her arms and shake her head.

  "You're right, though," she continued, sighing. "I'm a web developer. Or I was, anyway, before… this. I took the waitress job because I needed some way of making money that didn't leave a trail."

  Lucas nodded at that. "Sure. So when this is over and you're safe, you can pay your bills easily enough. Till then, don't worry about it. I won't let anything happen to you."

  "Won't your boss be upset?"

  "I'm a partner in the company," he told her, pulling in to park outside her home. "And if the others are upset, that's their problem. I'll take time off if I need to. But you are going to be safe."

  He killed the engine and sat back, looking at her. She was watching him with an unreadable expression on her face.

  "Why would you do that for me?" she asked. Her voice was soft, in a way that made his bear growl with a different hunger.

  "You need help," he said, shrugging again and trying to dismiss the question. "That's what I'm here for."

  "It's more than that," she said, firmly. Then her voice trembled as she continued. "This isn't just a bodyguard talking, is it?"

  The van was too small, too confining, for this conversation. Lucas needed more space. He opened the door and jumped out, stalking across the road to Emily's apartment. She followed, and he could feel her eyes on him, feel her presence.

  Stepping past him, she opened the door and let them inside. She turned to face him in the small living room. It didn't feel that much bigger than his van, now that they were inside, but at least they could move.

  "Well?" she asked, hands on h
ips. The fear was still in her eyes, but she'd summoned up her courage anyway and he had to respect that. Leaning back against the wall, he gave her as much space as he could and answered.

  "No, I'm not just speaking as your bodyguard," he admitted. He'd never felt comfortable talking about his feelings, and this was worse than normal. "I'd want to keep you safe whether you were a client or not. I will protect you."

  Saying it out loud made him realize how true it was. Was Karl right? Was Emily the one he was fated for? How the fuck should I know, he snarled inwardly, but he could feel his bear stirring at the thought. It certainly seemed to think that she was his mate.

  Emily shivered, but for once it didn't look like an expression of fear. Something else lurked under the surface of her emotions. Something that mirrored his own need for her? He didn't know. But whatever she was feeling, it brought her forward, closer to him, close enough that he could have reached out to touch her.

  "I know," she told him. "Isn't that strange? I feel safe with you around. Safe and…"

  Her words trailed off into silence and as he looked down at her, she blushed.

  "And what?" he asked, trying to keep the question from sounding like a demand. But he was having enough difficulty keeping his feelings under control and managing his voice as well was too much. Emily's blush deepened, and she shook her head.

  Lucas caught himself growling, and reached down to take her chin in his hand, raising her face to look up at him. The touch was electric.

  "Did you mean it back there?" he asked, knowing the answer. "When you told Harry that you wanted me?"

  Emily gasped, her blush deepening, but she didn't try to step back or break contact. Instead, she raised her own hand to his, gently holding it as she met his gaze. There was an unspoken connection as they looked deep into each other, her blue eyes sparkling and a nervous smile spreading over her face. Her nod was small but certain.

  Lucas realized his heart was pounding. "Emily, I want you," he said simply, voicing the thought that was filling the space between them. Her eyes widened slightly, and she whispered her answer.



  Emily could barely believe it when she heard herself speak. But there was no denying what she felt inside. She'd been feeling the pull of this man since she'd woken up to find him watching over her, and she was sick of fighting it.

  It was, she knew, a bad idea. He was her bodyguard; she was his client. But right now, that didn't matter to her. Or, it seemed, to him.

  He looked down at her with those angry, hungry eyes of his, and studied her. Moving with deliberate slowness, he bent down, the hand on her face angling her to meet him as he descended for a kiss.

  Emily rose on tiptoes to bring her lips to his. The kiss was unlike anything she'd felt before, an animal need linking them. Lucas growled into her, and she shivered with delightful anticipation at the feeling.

  His hand cupped her head, pulling her to him as she slid her arms around him. He felt so good his body pressing against hers and his strength embracing her. It could have been frightening, intimidating. Instead, it just felt perfectly right.

  Lucas pulled back, breaking the kiss, and smiled. It was a small smile, crooked, the sexiest smile she'd ever seen. Her body ached for him, ached with a desire she'd been suppressing all day, one that she was tired of denying.

  "Lucas," she said, savoring the sound of his name. Their faces were inches apart, just far enough that she could see his expression, his need. "Lucas, take me. Please."

  She didn't have to ask twice.

  His powerful hands gripped her and lifted her, and he spun to press her against the wall. She gasped in surprise at the speed and strength of his movement – he held her up as though she weighed nothing, pinning her to the wall of her apartment with effortless ease. Emily struggled playfully, not trying to escape but rather proving to herself she couldn't.

  The growl Lucas let out as she wriggled against him made her heart race, and she could feel her blush spreading. She'd never felt like this before, never wanted any man as much as she needed Lucas.

  His mouth came down again, against her neck. His kisses made her squirm again, and then she felt his teeth. With a squeal of delight, she clutched at him, her back arching as he bit down on her sensitive skin. Each kiss was followed by a little bite as he moved down her neck to the collar of her blouse.

  Emily was panting when he pulled back and looked her in the eyes again. He was holding her high enough that their gazes were level with each other for the first time, and his face was flushed with lust. Lust for her, which she wanted nothing more than to let him sate. He leaned in to kiss her on the mouth, a firm and powerful kiss that pinned her to the wall.

  She took the opportunity to take his lower lip between her teeth, biting down gently on it. Lucas growled at that, and only kissed her harder, his body pressing her tight against the wall. She thought she could feel the beat of his heart against her, and whimpered under his kiss.

  When he pulled back, he was panting. It looked like she was affecting him as much as he was her.

  He set her down, steadying her, and looked down at her for a moment before reaching for her top. The buttons must have looked too fiddly for him, or he simply didn't have the patience for them – he pulled it open with a powerful motion that sent buttons flying everywhere throughout the room. Emily gasped, hands rising instinctively, but she didn't fight when he caught her wrists and pulled them down to her sides.

  Eyes sparkling, he looked at her. His gaze moved slowly down her body, lingering on her breasts. Emily heard his breath catch as she pulled back her shoulders, offering them to his eyes.

  Releasing her wrists, he brought his great hands up to caress her, sliding them up under the remains of her blouse. His touch was like fire on her skin. She stayed as still as she could, letting him enjoy her as she reveled in the sensation. The feel of his hands cupping her breasts through the white bra she wore was better than she could have imagined, but it wasn't enough. It only made her want more.

  Bending over her, he kissed the tops of her breasts, alternating between them as she groaned.

  "Please," she moaned, not sure what she was asking for. "Please?"

  His chuckle was deep, hungry, and only made her want him more. Pulling her blouse off her impatiently, he lifted her again and held her against his chest as he carried her to the sofa. Her bare skin tingled at the heat of him through his t-shirt, and as he lowered her, he unhooked her bra. It slid off as she sank back into the cushions, and he looked down at her bare chest with eyes so hungry that she shuddered.

  But she didn't cover herself. She wanted his eyes on her. His eyes, and so much more.

  Standing over her, he looked so big. So imposing and so powerful. She couldn't help looking down him, and seeing the bulge in his jeans made her groan again. Her body was aching for him, and from the way he looked at her, he knew it.

  In one smooth movement, he pulled off his t-shirt and threw it aside. Bare, his body was even more spectacular than she'd imagined. Hard muscles moved smoothly under his skin, and there wasn't an ounce of fat to be seen. It was enough to take her breath away as he sank down to his knees between her legs and leaned over her.

  This time the kiss was even more powerful, fanning the flames inside her as their bodies pressed to one another. His skin was hot against hers, his weight pinned her to the couch, and his hands slid across her sides, running over her skin in a way that made her want to scream with desire. But his lips silenced her, until he pulled back from her lips to trail kisses down her throat.

  Each one made her gasp, her hands rising to hold his head. Her fingers slid into his hair, holding him to her as he kissed his way down to her breasts. He covered them in little kisses, quickly and thoroughly, lips and tongue caressing her until she panted from it. His mouth found her nipples. Emily cried out as he sucked hard on one then the other, making her arch and squeal beneath him.

  Her body was on fire for his touch, an
d she needed him more than anything else in the world. Her fingers curled in his hair, trying to pull him to her, but he ignored her, taking his time, making her wait. She hated that, hated it and loved it at the same time. It should have been unbearable, but Lucas seemed to know what her body needed better than she did.

  "Oh God, Lucas," she begged between gasping breaths of pleasure. "I need you inside me. Please, God damn it!"

  He chuckled as she begged and swore, and shook his head, his lips not leaving her breast. But his right hand slid down across her body, down her leg and then up again, gently teasing along her inner thigh. Emily's breath caught as his fingers stroked up beneath her skirt, and over her panties. Throwing back her head, she bit her lip to hold back her pleading.

  Surprisingly delicate for such a big man, Lucas gently pulled her panties aside and brushed his fingers along her pussy lips. His mouth stayed pressed to her breasts, sucking and kissing, his tongue swirling around each nipple in turn.

  Emily closed her eyes, moaning as his fingers found her clit, gently circling it, the motion sending pulses of fire burning through her body. She shook with them, pent up need igniting, and she clung to his body, her hands tight on his shoulders. Lucas chuckled again at her response, and pressed down, hard against her.

  Her world exploded in pleasure as the orgasm took her. She felt herself tense against him, her fingers digging in, and she shouted with joy, her body arching and pressing against his hand, his mouth. The fires he'd lit in her surged into an inferno, and all conscious thought fled. For an endless moment, the only thing that was real was the fire of his touch and the pleasure it brought her.

  Lucas had never heard a sweeter sound than Emily calling his name as she writhed under his fingers, her body wracked with pleasure. Her cries filled the small apartment, loud and powerful and delightful. His bear roared along with them, proud and happy and possessive. This girl was his, and he would not let her go. The animal that was a part of his soul would never let him, even if he wanted to.