Mated to the Alien Pirate: Celestial Mates Read online

Page 15

  As soon as Arrax secured the Wicked Smile I made my way aboard. The Antaran crew had been confined to the escape pods under guard, leaving me to walk safely through the richly appointed corridors of the cartel ship. No patchwork repairs, no faulty gravity plating, no exposed cables. It looked safe, neat. I could almost believe I was back on Earth.

  But that didn’t make it look like home. Not anymore. The chaotic mess of the Revenge was my home now, and this ordered luxury made a nice change but it wasn’t what I needed.

  I found Arrax on the captured bridge and looked him over. True to his word he’d been untouched in the fighting, not a hair out of place, no new injuries to add to the ones he’d taken fighting Zarr. For a moment we looked at each other and then I leaped into his arms.

  Arrax held me tight and I pressed my face to his chest, fighting my tears and losing. It was hard to believe we’d both survived, that we we’d made it through together. That my crazy-ass plan had actually worked.

  But here we were on the bridge of the Wicked Smile, arms wrapped around each other and laughing together. Careless of his injured arm, he lifted me high in the air and swung me around, his eyes gleaming.

  When he set me down, my breathing was quick and my pulse raced. The rush of the fight wore off fast, the adrenaline leaving my system, and what I really wanted was to sit down.

  Or lie down, if Arrax would join me.

  My body was torn between exhaustion and a clawing need for him, and I bit my lip. Arrax looked down at me and grinned, sending a powerful rush of desire through me. The sparkle in his eyes, the way he held me… I knew what he was thinking of, and it wasn’t sleep.

  If he came to bed with me I’d find the energy for more than sleep.

  Someone coughed behind me and a blush spread across my face as I remembered the audience watching us. Arrax tore his gaze from mine and looked up at his grinning boarding crew.

  “Anyone have something to say?” he asked, narrowing his eyes.

  “Yes, Captain. Congratulations on your conquest.”

  A moment’s silence, then I was the first to laugh. Joy bubbled up inside me, undeniable, and it would have been impossible to contain if I’d wanted to.

  That was enough to break the dam, and the crew crowded around us to offer their congratulations. Trin and Vissa arrived, their fighters safely docked once more. Both embraced me with grins and laughter, and more crew gathered to shake my hand.

  Eventually Arrax had to shout at them to clear out and give us some space. With good-natured grumbling, the crew got back to work.

  “Are you alright?” Arrax asked when he finally got the bridge clear. I laughed, hearing an edge of hysteria in my voice.

  “Looks like all I needed to do to get accepted by you crew is lead a suicidal charge against an enemy I had no hope of beating,” I told him. “If I’d known it was that easy I’d have done it days ago.”

  He laughed at that and held me tight. “You were so brave, little one. No one can deny you have the heart of a pirate now.”

  “But I failed,” I whimpered, conflicting emotions welling up and overwhelming my defenses. Tears started to flow and I pressed my face back into the comforting wall of his chest. “I nearly got myself and everyone else killed.”

  “Nearly,” Arrax repeated with a rumbling laugh. I felt it echo through him and hugged him tighter. “That’s been my life for years, beloved, ever since Atreon, and what I’ve learned from it is this — take your victories. Celebrate them. You did the right, the best, the only thing you could, and we’re alive because of it.”

  “We’re alive because you won the fight,” I told him, squeezing hard. “If you hadn’t saved me…”

  “We saved each other,” he told me, lifting me up. “And I will not have you beat yourself up over this. Look around: we’ve taken this ship thanks to you. The wealth they promised Zarr for betraying our principles is all here for the taking. We won.”

  I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly and trying to relax. Throughout the Wicked Smile our pirates worked, securing the new ship, transferring valuables. He was right — this attack hadn’t just saved me from the Antarans, we’d also made enough here to pay the crew what they were owed.

  In the end it hadn’t been a choice between the right thing and the profitable thing. We’d managed to do both.

  Arrax saw my little smile and wiped a tear from my cheek, his touch making me shiver. Apparently fighting and nearly dying left me horny, or maybe I’d feel this way every time he touched me?

  I wouldn’t mind that.

  “You can finish up here,” he told his crew. “Get the loot aboard the Revenge and squared away.”

  “Aye, Captain,” one of them said, grinning. “You’ve got more important matters to deal with.”

  Someone whistled and I blushed bright red as Arrax carried me from the bridge and back to the Revenge. Back along the same path he’d taken when he’d first stolen me from the Jester’s Last Laugh. I marveled at how much things had changed: back then, I’d been terrified of him, of the future, of everything.

  Now I couldn’t wait to be alone with him. The future would take care of itself, and we would take care of each other.



  The door slid shut behind us, and I set my mate down on the bed. Gravity waves caught and held her floating in the air, and I looked at her with fresh eyes.

  Wearing my coat, she looked fierce and tiny, and my breath caught as she looked back at me. A wicked glint shone in her green eyes, and I growled.

  A fight always left me with pent up passion to release, and it was the same for her. My beloved Marcie breathed fast and there was no mistaking her arousal. She bit her lip, sending a flash of lust through my body.

  I grabbed at her, tearing her clothes from her impatiently. We’d just looted another starship, there would be plenty of spares for her to choose from. Why be a pirate captain if not to enjoy a little looting?

  And Marcie certainly enjoyed it. Her pale skin flushed as I pulled her shirt apart, baring her magnificent breasts and leaning in to kiss and lick and bite gently. Her hands pulled at my shirt, tugging it open, and a frustrated moan escaped her lips as she struggled with it.

  I grinned, grasping the fabric and tearing. Marcie’s eyes went wide as she watched me rip my shirt off, and her hands stroked across my torso. I bared my teeth, loving every moment of her touch and wanting to feel more, much more of it.

  With quick movements I undid her belt, pulled her pants off, and cast them aside. She floated in the gravity field, naked, beautiful, flushed. Her hands grasping for me, her eyes shining. The perfect woman.

  Without taking her eyes off me, she reached for my belt and undid it, unfastening my pants. I let her, caressing and exploring her as she freed my cock. Enjoying the sounds she made. The little gasp when her hands touched me, the whimpering moan as I lowered myself to kiss her beautiful lips. The gravity field lifted me and we floated together, my hand sliding into her hair as I kissed my mate roughly, eagerly.

  “God I can’t get used to how big you are,” she whispered as our lips parted. I laughed, kissing my way down her neck, teeth grazing her skin to make her moan again.

  “I will never get used to how beautiful you are,” I replied, my hands sliding down her sides, the soft smoothness of her skin a delight. “How sexy and amazing and delicious.”

  As I said that, I bit down and she arched under me. One hand tightened on my cock making me moan into the bite, and for a marvelous moment we hung there in the air, our bodies suspended and still.

  Marcie writhed, and I moved my kisses down, alternating between her breasts, leaving a trail of small bites. She pressed herself to me, writhing and moaning, breathing faster and faster. The feel of her body pressed against mine, her hand gripping me, made me growl in turn.

  I’d never wanted anything as much as I wanted her. My Marcie, my mate, my beloved.

  She stroked my cock and it hardened in her grip, eager to be bur
ied inside her. And she was eager for that, panting and pulling me to her, guiding me to her entrance.

  No. Not yet. Marcie would have what she wanted, what we both needed, but she would wait for it. My mouth closed on her nipple, my tongue flicking it as I sucked and savored her response, the delightful shudder that ran through her, the desperate whimpers. Her body shook and I took my pleasure from her need, her joy.

  Pulling her close, I raised my head. The need inside me couldn’t be held back for long, and I would have her. Would take her and mark her and make her mine.

  Our eyes met as I poised myself, my body rising over her. Marcie gripped me, her fingers digging into my back and urging me on, and I thrust hard, burying myself in her tight pussy, roaring loud enough to shake the room as she cried out in joy.

  We floated together, joined and panting, the gravity field holding us above the bed. She gripped me tight as I began to move, pulling back and then thrusting again. Harder. Harder still.

  Each thrust made Marcie cry out, made her body shake and her face flush as she arched her back. Her body was intoxicating, a heavenly sensation as she urged me on, her hands gripping me tight and her eyes shining.

  My body responded to hers, the vibration growing from deep inside me, and she answered it with a wordless shout of joy, thrashing in my arms. Baring my teeth I thrust harder and faster, her body shaking as the orgasm built inside her. Mine approached too, making my breathing fast, ragged, hungry.

  “Come for me, beloved,” I urged, keeping her rhythm and pushing her onward, kissing her neck.

  When it hit her, it was overwhelming. Marcie cried out, her scream of joy filling the room, her body shaking in wild ecstasy that rocked us both. I sank my teeth into her shoulder and she clung to me like a drowning woman.

  Again and again her body shook with a fierce passion, and I growled into her as I drove her on. Finally, gasping for breath and shaking, Marcie pulled herself to me and bit my shoulder hard.

  That was too much for my self-control, and I roared again as my orgasm tore through me. I came hard inside her, filling her, my hands gripping her soft body with bruising strength. The feeling was incredible, wonderful, beyond comparison.

  Finally we shuddered and collapsed against each other, gently spinning in the gravity field. Sweat-slick we clung to each other’s bodies and floated in happy harmony.

  Marcie drew a deep and shuddering breath, raising her head and wiping her red hair out of her eyes. Grinning up at me, she managed to speak.

  “I love you, Arrax vo'Kinto Belvic,” she said. The words made me happier than anything I’d been able to imagine, and I hugged my mate tight.

  “I love you too, Marcie Cole, light of my life,” I told her. “And I always shall.”


  Home isn’t always what you think it is. Not for me, anyway. I’d thought my home was Earth, a job, a stable life. But now here I stood, surrounded by bloodthirsty pirates and about to launch myself into another raid.

  And I’d never been happier.

  In the months since I’d come aboard the Atreon’s Revenge I’d found that my home didn’t have to be a planet. It didn’t need a place at all. Didn’t need anything aside from him. Arrax, the captain of the ship and of my heart.

  He looked at me, his eyes shining with love, and I looked back at him. On the view screen behind him I caught a glance of our prey, a slave trader’s ship floating against the backdrop of the nebula. Our latest target, ready for boarding.

  “Don’t you dare do anything stupid,” I said, grinning. It had become a ritual by now — everything we did was stupid by the standards I’d lived by on Earth.

  “I will come home safe and sound,” Arrax promised, swinging me up into his arms and kissing me hard. I giggled in his grip, squirming.

  “You better,” I told him as I pulled myself free. Sounding stern didn’t come easy when I was breathing heavily, but I did my best. Arrax had the grace not to laugh, though a few of the crew weren’t so polite.

  Well, they were pirates. I blushed and looked around at them. Fully half the crew were rescued slaves now, and the rest were those who’d wanted to stay part of Arrax’s unorthodox crew. All of them had good hearts, even if they had crude senses of humor.

  They were family. And soon enough we’d be adding to that family with children of our own. I moved my hand down to my belly; while I didn’t show yet, Doctor Jorn was certain.

  I didn’t know how we’d tackle that, but I couldn’t wait to find out. I had no doubt that we’d find a way — with the problems we’d already faced down, one more didn’t frighten me.

  Arrax’s hand covered mine, and we shared a smile. He’d be the proudest father in the galaxy, and I couldn’t wait to see how he handled the challenge of raising a child. I knew that he’d be awesome, though. Once Arrax set his mind to something, he didn’t fail.

  “Go fight your raid,” I told him. “Don’t keep them waiting.”

  Arrax laughed and stepped back, bowing. “As you wish, my darling. I will be sure to bring you back something nice.”

  Sometimes home isn’t a place, it’s a person. And I found mine in Arrax.

  The End

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  Check out my other Celestial Mates novel, Mated to the Alien Lord.

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  About Leslie Chase


  I love writing, and especially enjoy writing sexy science fiction and paranormal romances. It lets my imagination run free and my ideas come to life! When I’m not writing, I’m busy thinking about what to write next or researching it – yes, damn it, looking at castles and swords and spaceships counts as research.

  If you enjoy my books, please let me know with a review. Reviews are really important and I appreciate every one. If you’d like to be kept up to date on my new releases, you can sign up for my email newsletter by following this link — subscribers get a free science fiction romance novella!

  Sci Fi Romance by Leslie Chase

  Crashland Colony Romances


  Crashed on an unexplored planet, with only an alien warrior and a holographic cat for company… what’s a girl to do?


  Stranded on the wrong planet, captured by brutal alien raiders, the only good thing about Lisa’s situation is Torran. He's a dangerous alien warrior - who also happens to be the hottest man she's ever met. Strong, protective, and lethal, he’s everything she could want or need.

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  Silent Empire Romances

  Each of these books follows the story of a different woman, snatched from Earth and thrust into the Silent Empire — a galaxy-spanning nation of intrigue and romance. Read to see them find their alien mates amongst the stars.

  Each of these books can be read as a standalone, though they share some characters.

  Stolen for the Alien Prince, by Leslie Chase

  Stolen from Earth, Hope must pretend to be the princess Xendar is expecting to mate with. But the alien warlord has hidden depths, and soon Hope isn’t sure if she wants to escape after all!

  Stolen by the Alien Raider, by Leslie Chase

  Amy didn’t believe in aliens until she was taken. Trapped on their spaceship, lightyears from Earth, her only ally is Kadran. He’s there to bring down the ring of slavers, but once he sees the Earthwoman, she’s all he cares about.

  Stolen by the Alien Gladiator, by Leslie Chase

  Abducted by aliens, sold at auction… can Emma’s day get any worse? But one alien warrior, Athazar, will stop at nothing to protect her — even when they are forced into the arena to fight for their lives.

  Celestial Mates

d to the Alien Lord, a Celestial Mates novel by Leslie Chase

  Love is never easy. Love on an alien world is downright dangerous!

  With her life on Earth going nowhere, Gemma needs a fresh start. Enter the Celestial Mates Agency, who say they can match her with the perfect alien. And despite the dangers of his planet, Corvax is everything she could have asked for — impossibly hot, brave, and huge.

  Now that she’s seen him, there’s no way she’s going back.

  Dragons of Mars

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  The remains of the Dragon Empire have slumbered on Mars for a thousand years, but now the ancient shifters are awake, alive, and searching for their mates!

  Each book can be read on its own, but you’ll get the best effect if you read them in order.

  Dragon Prince’s Mate

  Dragon Pirate’s Prize

  Dragon Guardian’s Match

  Dragon Lord’s Hope

  Dragon Warrior’s Heart

  Worldwalker Barbarians

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  Teleported from Earth to a far-off planet, found by blue skinned wolf-shifter aliens, and claimed as mates. Is this disaster or delight for the feisty human females?



  The Alien Explorer’s Love, by Juno Wells & Leslie Chase

  Can Two Beings from Different Worlds Find Common Ground — And Love?

  Jaranak is an alien explorer on a rescue mission to Earth, but now he’s stranded here at the dawn of the 20th century. And his efforts to go unnoticed are bring thwarted by Lilly, a human female who won’t stop asking questions. She should be insufferable, but instead he finds himself unable to get the sassy woman out of his mind…